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Update dependency Avalonia.Diagnostics to v0.10.19

Renovate Bot requested to merge renovate/avalonia.diagnostics-0.x into develop

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
Avalonia.Diagnostics (source) nuget patch 0.10.18 -> 0.10.19

Release Notes



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What's Changed


#​8514 Skip disabled controls when moving to first/last item #​8880 [macOS] macOS: Fix child window order with multiple child windows #​9221 Fix setting WindowState before showing Window. #​9300 [macOS] OSX: fix menu re-entrancy crash #​9326 [macOS] OSX: fix minimise button being disabled when either a parent or a dialog. #​9451 [macOS] [OSX] Fixed NativeMenu memory leak #​9469 [macOS] [OSX] Use non-opaque window background for non-transparent windows #​9566 [macOS] MacOS: Only bring windows to front if they're on the active space. #​9699 Fix SelectionModelSelectionChangedEventArgs.SelectedItems indexer. #​9716 [macOS] macos: Fix child window key handling #​10153 [macOS] macOS: Sync actual window state after window show, and fix integration tests on macOS 13.1 #​10196 [macOS] macOS: Fix window transparency #​10204 [Windows] Update Angle to #​10265 [Windows][macOS] Various macOS and win32 fixes #​10427 [macOS] macOS: Fix window order breaking when closing modal dialog #​10431 if the window is closed, we cannot become the key window. #​10575 [macOS] macOS: Don't allow window zoom when CanResize=false. #​10600 [Linux] Add nullable reference checking to X11Window. #​10677 [macOS] macOS: Fix interaction between ExtendClientAreaToDecorationsHint and SystemDecorations

Full Changelog:


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